Too much drama in Phoenix

First, the Coyotes were going to going to Tempe but the arena idea failed with voters, then they were going to get with the league and buy some land next to Scottsdale in June to develop into a multi-sport/entertainment complex, and in the interim they would sell to the franchise to the NHL for 1….BILLLLLLION…DOLLARS (puts pinky finger to mouth) and the NHL would then turn around and sell the franchise to Ryan Smith in SLC Utah (?) for (puts pinky finger to mouth) 1.2…BILLLLLION DOLLARS…..MUAHAHAHA!!!!… allow for the Arizona group time to build the complex, then give them a new expansion franchise around 2028-2029, and probably by then the league would have 34 teams, with Houston and Atlanta^3 getting expansion teams in between…

But NOW we find out that the team has been told to get ready for a move to SLC next year before the land auction takes place!

And NOW NOW I’m hearing on social media that the Coyotes were not making payments to hotels for the team when they were on the road!!!

Coyotes owner Alex Meruelo has issued a statement saying he basically can’t say anything now…well of COURSE he can’t, the season isn’t over yet!

I’ve seen this scenario play out in minor leagues many a time and here’s what I feel is about to happen:

  1. If…IF…Meruelo is hemorrhaging money because he’s had to put the team in a 5000-seat barn for the last 2-3 years (and it would be no surprise if bills aren’t being paid), then my guess is he’s going to take his Billion, pay off any debts owed, and run to another country faster than P-Diddy.
  2. I believe Meruelo was going to be a part of this new sports complex being built adjacent to Scottsdale but like I said, he probably runs away, or it’s possible the land auction may still happen with either Meruelo and the league-led group, or even another local group entirely that’s vested in continuing to force hockey on Arizonians who haven’t much interest in futility, same as the last 30 years giving up 100 million for the cause. However, the possibility exists someone else may come along with 101 million+ and will try to buy it and develop condos for a golf community and upend that effort. Maybe Elon Musk will build a new Dogecoin mining complex or Jeff Bezos will buy it for a new data center?
  3. SLC gets their “new” team, and goes with a new name, logo, jersey, etc. Ryan Smith is already soliciting ideas for a new team name (more like, “Guess what I’m going to name the team”…). Smith works to improve Delta Center to make it NHL-compatible while simultaneously working to build a new arena for the team.
  4. Houston and Atlanta get expansion franchises in the next 4 years. I see Houston first in 2026, then Atlanta in 2028, and if Phoenix does indeed work our, 2030. Two year gaps allows the league to replenish the expansion draft pools and keeps existing teams from drying up on talent.
  5. Quebec City still gets nothing.

The fact that Phoenix is (most likely) leaving BEFORE the land auction tells me things are falling apart and the NHL is moving past Meruelo and whatever snake oil dreams he has concocted up.

But Bettman will never let Phoenix die. Like a Phoenix rising from the ashes, he will be damned if he doesn’t get them a team and one that will exist “forever“.

I get it, he wants the NHL to be a universal sport, not just a northern sport. He has only expanded to the northern latitudes 5 times in the 31 years he’s been Commissioner:

  • Columbus
  • Minnesota
  • Seattle

Then there’s the others:

  • Miami
  • Anaheim
  • Atlanta (moved to Winnipeg)
  • Nashville
  • Vegas

He only moved Atlanta to Winnipeg because he had to.

I give him credit, other than Atlanta’s Thrashers, he’s not had any other teams relocate until now. He’s always been able to help find a solution for the city and the team. But he’s never been a fan’s commissioner. And I get it, he’s a businessman, it’s about money, not what the fans want. That’s why we have the incessant ads on the dashers that annoy the crap out of everyone watching but make the league (and the owners) money, even though viewership suffers.


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